DAYS before and during Easter:
Mardi Gras = Shrove Tuesday – the last day of carnival; English speakers eat a lot of pancakes on that day whereas in other cultures Berliner doughnuts (pączki) or angel wings (faworki) are more popularAsh Wednesday – the first day of Lent
Palm Sunday – it begins the whole Easter time and commemorates the day when Jesus came into Jerusalem and was greeted by people with palm branches
Holy Week – the week before Easter Sunday
Maundy Thursday = Holy Thursday – the day which commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ and the Apostles
Good Friday – the day which commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His death on Calvary
Easter Eve – the Saturday before Easter
Easter Sunday – the day of Christ’s resurrection
Easter palm
Easter chick
Easter Lamb
Easter Bunny / Hare / Rabbit
dyed eggs
Easter basket
egg dyeing – people use natural or artificial dyes and paints to decorate their eggs, which are later displayed in Easter baskets or put on Easter table for decoration
egg-rolling – children roll their eggs down the slope and the winner is the child whose egg will be whole after the rolling
egg hunt – children look for Easter eggs hidden somewhere in a park or a garden