For many years now, Polish employees have been integral members of many corporate teams around the world. Numerous companies collaborate with Polish manufacturers, suppliers and other service providers. Unlike many European countries, Poland is quite homogenous both in its citizens’ cultural background and religious beliefs. For the majority of Poles, Christmas takes on a religious aspect and the birth of Christ is accompanied by carol singing, excursions to midnight mass and ever-present nativity scenes. Christmas Eve is the time when the whole family gathers together to feast, sing and exchange gifts, making the 24th a magical evening. Due to religious reasons, one foregoes meat in favour of fish and vegetarian dishes. One place at the table, fully set, must be left for a weary traveller and hay is put under the tablecloth to ensure prosperity for the new year.
Despite one’s religion however, everyone is sure to experience exorbitant amounts of cheer. Christmastime is one of the most highly anticipated periods of the year, making celebrating it a nation-wide event. For many, December 24th marks the start of a long, well deserved break that often lasts until January 2nd, with most professionals making sending out their holiday wishes the last point on their agendas before switching on their festive responders and leaving the (home)office. We are expected to echo the sentiment. What to wish someone for Christmas? What simple, yet elegant, greetings should we use? How to convey all feelings of gratitude and appreciation in a concise email? The dilemma remains. If you’re suffering from writer’s block this holiday season and can’t decide what to wish your Polish colleagues, we’ve got a list of formal and informal Christmas messages for you to use.
- To keep wishes short and sweet, you can’t go wrong with:
Wesołych Świąt!
Merry Christmas!
- If we wish to include the author of the greetings:
– the word ‘od’ should be added
Wesołych Świąt od całego zespołu [company name]!
Season’s greetings from the entire team at [company name].
– the word ‘życzy’ may be inserted
[please note that if you wish to include more than one person, exchange the last ‘y’ in ‘życzy’ for the letter ‘ą’ indicating a plural]
Zdrowych i radosnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia życzy / życzą …
Have a healthy and joyful Christmas from…
- As mentioned before, some employees in Poland decide to take the rest of the year off, so it’s only just to include a few kind words for the new year:
Wesołych Świąt i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Zdrowych i radosnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz szczęśliwego Nowego Roku życzy / życzą…
Have a healthy and joyful Christmas as well as a Happy New Year from…
- If a personal touch is required, we may wish someone lots of luck or success in the new year:
Życzymy wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i Nowego Roku pełnego sukcesów, zarówno w życiu prywatnym, jak i zawodowym.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of success, both in your private and professional life.
- To express appreciation for you colleagues or business partners, here’s a ready-made message:
Dziękując za Waszą ciężką pracę w tym roku chcielibyśmy życzyć Wam i Waszym rodzinom Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku.
In warm appreciation of all your hard work this year, we would like to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
- When addressing clients, it is crucial to thank them for their trust and support:
Dziękujemy za wybór naszych usług. Życzymy Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku.
Thank you for choosing our services. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Zespół [company name] życzy Wam spokoju i pomyślności przez cały nadchodzący rok. Dziękujemy za wsparcie i współpracę. Cieszy nas, że będziemy mogli współpracować z Państwem w nadchodzących latach.
The team at [company name] wish you peace and prosperity all throughout the coming year. Thank you for your support and partnership. We look forward to working with you in the years to come.
To share the holiday spirit and help you to remember the phrase “Wesołych Świąt” better, listen to these Christmas songs: